let's talk socialization

Socializing a dog is a general way of saying, exposing them to things, teaching them how to learn, and fostering a positive relationship with people and other animals.

For most dogs, the socialization phase is from about 3-12 weeks, with socialization taking place for at least the first year of life, though you can socialize a dog at any time. The key socialization period is from 3-5 weeks, where they really learn about how to behave as a dog, and what is/isn't safe. We put the highest value here on making sure that they know that people are safe. Our puppies are near constantly around our family, being handled frequently and becoming accustomed to trusting us to be a safe place. During this 3-5 week period, we open this up to other new adults and new young children (ours are 1.5 and 3.5, so they are very used to tiny kids already!)

Today we enjoyed the nice weather with a bonfire in our backyard. As per usual, the puppies were all out in the yard already, so we brought a couple of them over with us and allowed others to come and get pets, and go as they pleased. Fire can be a naturally scary thing for dogs! Seemingly small or innocuous things like a bonfire are important features of life to introduce in a calm and controlled environment while your puppy is learning about the world.

Your puppy will need to have their vaccine series completed by their veterinarian before they should interact with new dogs outside of your home (these vaccines are given through 12 weeks of age). But, as you start planning to begin life with your puppy, consider other things in your life that you'll want to expose them to early. Do you like boating? Hiking? Hunting? Are you planning to do these activities with your dog?

Keeping in mind that your puppy won't be able to fully participate yet - for example, large breed dogs risk joint damage if they're going on distance runs with you regularly before age two - try to think of ways to expose them to these activities in small steps while they're young!


Queen Brownie Girl


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