Puppy Pictures! Three Weeks

Our updates have been quiet this past week, as I (Amy) took a trip to Florida to celebrate a dear friend’s wedding. But even while I was away, the puppies were hard at work practicing some new skills-

Eyes and ears are open, and these puppies are on the move!


and a little wobbly.

and for about 6 minutes until it’s time for another nap.

But wow are they cute with their bright blue eyes! As beautiful as they are, all of their eyes will darken to a caramel-brown color as they grow up. Now that they are mobile and have all their senses, they were able to leave their whelping box and foray into the outside world for the first time this week. They explored the grass, and experienced the sunshine, grass, and began the slow introduction of other animals. This is all the first part of how we socialize the puppies to the world in a safe and secure way, ensuring that they trust their surroundings with curiosity and limited fear. This helps guide them towards puppyhood and adulthood as more confident pups. Moving too fast in this process can cause stress and fear as they acclimate to the world. We’re working to avoid the problematic behaviors that fear can bring on, and we’ll work with you to continue the socialization process as you bring your puppy home and introduce them to their new environment there. But rest assured, by the time they are ready for home they are used to meeting new people, new dogs and cats, chickens, goats, ducks… and plenty of handling even by the tiniest of toddler hands.

Here is our first set of individual photos for these babies - if you’ve placed a deposit already, please take a look at the photos below and contact us with any specific questions as you make your selections in the coming weeks. If you’ve not yet placed a deposit and are interested in a puppy this season, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can get you on our reservation list for this year.

****5/23 PM UPDATE: We now have five boys available. All girls have been reserved, and three of the seven boys are reserved****

Ok, ok, I’m sure most of you have scrolled past this text straight to the cuteness, so here it is!:

****Please note that we have already accepted deposits for two boys, though the specific puppy has not been selected just yet by the families. Only five boys are available.

5/23 PM UPDATE: Since posting this earlier today, all of our girls are now reserved by received deposits!!!! They are all so excited, but I'm reminding them to be kind and not tease the boys about it.

Please contact us to place a deposit on one of our boys to secure a puppy for this season! Cute girl photos below are now for purposes of joy and cuteness only, these cuties are all reserved!

And, congratulations to two of our girls who have already been selected and named by their forever families! (Please be assured they will still be staying with us until pick up at the end of June after 8 weeks of age, this just means their family has selected which puppy they will take home at that time)

And one more KO puppy pile for the road:

As ALWAYS, please reach out with any questions big or small. We seriously love to talk about puppies.

Talk soon,

Amy & Cassidy


Memorial Day Weekend


Happy Mothers’ Day!